{"en":"Project Contracting","es":"Contratación de proyectos","ru":"Контракты по проектам","zh-cn":"工程承包"}

NEWIN has professional engineering team to provide turnkey project contracting services for cooling tower projects. 24 years of cooling design and construction experience, commit to provide safe, reliable, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly cooling water systems to customers around the world.

Scope Of Service:
Designing cooling water system
Thermal calculation and checking computation of cooling tower
Design of cooling tower
Pump and pipeline design,
Installation of cooling tower
Installation of Pipeline
Maintenance of water treatment system
System maintenance work

Service objects:
Large industrial cooling tower
Oil refinery cooling tower
Thermal power plant cooling tower
Cement plant cooling tower
Air-condition cooling tower
Cooling tower of refrigeration station
Sugar factory cooling tower
Steel plant cooling towers, etc

Performance Standard
GB∕T7190.1-2018     National standard for mechanical ventilation cooling Tower
GB/T 50326-2001     Construction project management specification
CTI Standard  ATP-105  Cooling Tower Association
ISO9001∶2015    Quality management system and ISO14001:2015 Environmental management system

Our Service